Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Online Ritual

For the first time, I held ritual on the internet, via Skype. It was a beautiful thing. This has inspired me now - what can I do with this? How can I use this technique to serve people? How have others been using it? Is this a good idea?

Metaphysically, it seems sound to me on the surface. When we cast a circle, we are creating sacred space that is outside the bounds of ordinary time, place or season. So what matter if the members of that circle are not in the same physical space?

A question I have at this point is whether it worked well because I have a strong connection to the amazing woman I was working with that day. I have known her for years, but I’m not so sure I would want to do this with someone I have not met in physical space.

As a Reiki Master, I know that distance healing can work. I do think that it’s important to have a solid foundation of healing skill and energetic control in order to be effective in this realm. Maintaining a strong focus on the recipient, raising plenty of energy, getting permission – these things are part of what make distance healing work.

Just as in distance ritual, the element of connection is the common thread. But consider – we are all connected. The same Divine energy animates us all. We share communal breath with the entire planet. Even western science, in the discipline of quantum physics, is starting to understand this fact.

In reality, we are all connected all the time. Still though, I think we need to feel the connection in order for ritual energy to build. The structure of ritual builds connection between members in the beginning, through circle casting techniques, chanting, call and response and shared movements. Online ritual can include these same things, though adapted. At this point, I would say that this is even more important in online ritual.

It seems that in theory, online ritual is a feasible practice. So how are others using the internet?

Here is what I have found so far around the intertubes:

Wiccan Online Rituals – an online community that performs online ritual and spellwork. They have a website, email list and chat room.

Chopra Center – the Chopra Center offers guided meditations that are available for purchase or online streaming. This is different than ritual, but another option for using the internet.

Celtic Moon – an online community that also has a core of people in the UK who meet in person. It seems that they have a training circle that holds online ritual, as well as study, divination and magical workings.

Wild Woman Sisterhood – a confederation of women who celebrate the full moon and sisterhood in a non-denominational way. They don’t hold their full moon circles online; instead, they invite everyone to hold a circle in person at the same time.

The Art of Living – the worldwide organization of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, an awesome guru from India. They hold meditations with many people locally, then stream them online for people around the world to participate in.

As a priestess, my biggest focus is on my local community. I mostly work with my interfaith Meetup group, South Wake Spiritual Community. But like most groups, most people join and do not attend events. I wonder if I would have success offering a Friday night meditation?

Also, I know several awesome women who are scattered across the country. And I was recently contacted by a seeker who lives in the Northeast. So it seems to me there are people I could help. People I can reach with the assistance of Skype, Youtube or Vimeo.

What’s your experience with using the internet in your spiritual practice?


  1. Personally I'm old school. the trees, the Elements, the Full Moon shining down. Nothing can replace these physical connections. Too much of our lives already are online.

    As a Priestess I can give support, share information with Sisters ect..but for the Power of ritual there is nothing interpersonal connection and connection with Mother Earth and Moon.

    I don't have a problem with coordinated ritual with other far flung Sisters like the WildWomon Sisterhood with a common Intention and coordination all on the same Power Day (Solstices, Equinoxes, FullMoons) ect that can be very powerful Work. But not with a computer between me and the Goddess, physical connections whether with the Elements and each other...

    1. I can certainly understand this point of view; surely many others share it as well.
