Sunday, February 23, 2014

Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge - Weekly Update 1

My first week of the Winter Pagan Fitness Challenge was great. Busy, but great. I can't say that I'm very balanced at the moment. It's the beginning of an important year for me, and there have been several late nights on the laptop writing, planning and dreaming furiously. But I'll take it. It's still forward motion.

How did I do this week?

Fitness - I did not get any hiking in this week. I did some vigorous gardening on Saturday. I also attended a super intense power Yoga class, which was only sort of yoga-like, but incredibly challenging.

Diet - I did fairly well this week, but not great. We need groceries, and I need to do some pre-planning. With my busy schedule, some prepping for the week in advance is the only way I stay on track.

Air - Not much pranayama in my personal practice. Got to get back on track with that. 

Fire - My daily Yoga practice suffers on days that I have to work early in the morning. As I get more on track with sleep, this should improve. I did play music on Saturday, so that was good! Fire predominated my week, with all the writing that I did. 

Water - I did fairly well overall this week.

Earth - Reasonable week for this. I'm on the upswing of getting all my self-care practices back on track.

Spirit - A spotty week for morning devotionals, but good for gratitude journal.

A really helpful tool that I have begun to use is an iPhone app called Track & Share. I'm not into the sharing function at this point, but it is great for tracking all sorts of things. It's adaptable, so you can track whatever you want. It's quick - just a few quick taps and all your items for the day are tracked! I'm really liking it. I've tried several different methods in the past - wall calendar, day planner and Excel spreadsheet. All of them have failed for one reason or another. If I can export the data from Track & Share, it may be just about perfect.

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