Sunday, January 4, 2015

Next Year's Yule Celebration

My sun wheel for 2014
This year, my Yule celebrations began with the Sun Wheel Ceremony. Along with many people across the globe, I created a yule wreath and placed candles in it. Each Sun-day from Thanksgiving week to Solstice, I lit the candles and meditated on the season. It was a beautiful, simple ritual and I enjoyed it.

But what's this good Pagan to do during the season of Yuletide itself? I have struggled over the years with reclaiming holiday traditions. My biological family loves Christmas and has a host of traditions around it. Unfortunately, my family also created a lot of stress and unhappiness for me, which further complicates this time of year.

This year, I went on a long trip. It was great. I didn't have to participate in any Judeo-Christian traditions! For the first time in many years, I was free from sensory bombardment with messages from a faith not my own. It was bliss, in that regard. There was just a little bit of Christmas on the ship, but it was easy to avoid.

Next year, I'd like to celebrate Yule as a 13 day, 12 night extravaganza, drawing from the Germanic, Italian and Norse traditions of my ancestry. For my purposes, this period will begin the eve of winter solstice (~Dec. 20) and end January 1. The concept behind this tradition is to rest and celebrate during the gap between the lunar year and the solar year. The idea of reflecting on the past year and envisioning the new year to come resonates deeply with me.

One source I found suggests performing divination each night corresponding to the coming 12 months. So on Mother's Night (solstice eve; Christmas eve makes no sense to me as a Pagan), I would divine for January. Solstice night, divine for February…and so on. I love this idea not only because of the practical benefits it provides, but also because this is an easy, portable tradition.

Another tradition I found is that of wassailing or blessing the trees. The way that I'll practice this is to go into the forest with animal-appropriate offerings like seeds and nuts, plus spiritual offerings like tobacco and cornmeal. I'll knock on the trees and give them the good news about the return of the light, then leave offerings for the dryads and other forest dwellers. An excuse for a spiritual hike? Yes, please!

This year was a sort of holiday detox. I had an extremely minimal holiday celebration. Mostly, I lounged about in the Caribbean. Next year, I'll get back to work on reclaiming the holidays. I pledge to stay in town for Solstice itself - after all, I have a coven to lead now. But this liminal period between the years…may find me wandering again. Either way, it will be a time of celebration, rest, reflection and dreaming up adventures for the following year. I'll spend time with those I love and those who support my journey. I also plan to do some service work, including a free yoga class as a gift to my students.

Here's to hoping your holidays were bright and joyous, and that you have a blessed New Year full of prosperity and new experiences!

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