Monday, January 5, 2015

Spiritual Strategy

The Pagan Experience 2015: Week 1 - Jan. 5- Resolutions- What are your intentions for this new year? How will you find the resolve to bring them into your manifest life?

I'm not one to make resolutions, truth be told. For me, that word has been colored by pop culture's practice of making somewhat unrealistic promises that are broken within a month or two. From my perspective, this sets up an atmosphere of self-judgment and absolutist thinking (black and white, succeed or fail). Not a very loving way to treat oneself, in my view!

Having said that, I do set goals for myself throughout the year. I'm always working on goals for my career, my personal development and my personal healing. Sometimes those goals morph, evolve or get discarded. I strive to accept this with grace and a minimum of attachment.

At the beginning of the year, what I like to do is envision the new year. Think of this as the difference between strategy and tactics. Strategy is top level - the big picture. Tactics are specific actions taken to achieve a goal. New Year's visions are strategy. New Year's resolutions are tactics.

Here is my vision for 2014:
  • Maintain self-care routine - care for my body and spirit temple!
  • Speak my truth and lovingly enforce boundaries.
  • Release, release, release - the past, old hurts, all that no longer serves.
  • Give to and serve others in full trust that my needs and desires will also be met.
  • Grow my art - make music, write poetry and prose, make stuff.
  • Continue to grow my priestessry, in all its forms.
  • Keep growing my career.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Continue to shape everything in my life to reflect the joy in my heart. (possessions, clothing, ways of doing things; walk in beauty!)
So basically? My list boils down to this: keep being awesome. Keep being me. Be even more me than ever. Be good to myself, to others and to the world. I honestly don't need any special resolve to accomplish my vision. I'm already doing this stuff - all I have to do is keep walking. Keep reminding myself that I deserve good things, that I'm worthy of success and happiness.

2014 was a big year. I got a lot of personal business taken care of. It was pretty rocky in patches. I defined my brand, and laid the foundations for what I truly want to do in life, both in my professional and clerical career.  I feel that 2015 is the year that I break out. Things are happening faster now, and 2015 is the snowball effect.

2015 is going to be the best year yet, and I'm ready. IT. IS. ON!!!

So mote it be.


  1. I like when people go off the well tread path of making those very black and white resolutions that make us feel like crap when we don't achieve them, as you said, and just strive to make things better by every little bit. :)

  2. Thank you! Bit by bit, that's how it's done!! :)
