Saturday, March 8, 2014

Cloud Atlas and Reincarnation

“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
– David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Just like when “What the *bleep* Do We Know” came out, I think everyone should watch this film. It resonates with me on so many levels - love, connections, the impact of our actions.

I have experienced profound connections with other human beings (and animals!). The path of my life has changed in a flash because of a chance meeting, a smile or a kiss. Some connections were fleeting, others continue today. But even the briefest connections can have the biggest impact.

I have friends who I have never met in person, through the magic of the intertubes. Others who I may have only met once or twice. Friends I made in a moment – on the train, in a shop, in the woods. Some I have not seen in many years.

There are people who I will never forget, even though they are no longer alive or are far away. There are people who I will love as long as my spirit persists.

There are people with whom I share an unspoken understanding so strong that it is easy to forget that I have not known them my whole life. Who it seems I must have met before.

Which fact reminds me of a story. When I was young, I got a postcard in the mail. On the postcard was a photograph of a young woman from the 1800’s.

She looks exactly like me.

Exactly. Imagine me with a Gibson Girl pompadour hairdo, pointy granny boots and a white dress. And that is the woman on that card. From almost two hundred years ago.

On the back was written some words that I will never forget:

Dear Time Traveler,

I knew that I knew you in another lifetime, another century.


I asked everyone I knew if they sent it to me. No one would confess. Everyone seemed sincere. Not satisfied, I analyzed everyone’s handwriting. No matches.

To this day, I have no idea who sent me that postcard. It haunts me. I want to know who sent it. But I also want to know about the woman in the photograph. Who is she? How can we look so alike? Is this proof of reincarnation?

I don’t have all the answers. I hold some beliefs that enrich my life, but I don’t profess to say that they are the absolute truth. But one thing I do know: each action matters.

So today, like everyday, I have done the best that I could. I took good care of myself. I provided the best care that I am capable of to my patients. I acknowledged every being that I came across, whether it be vegetable, animal or human. I walked my path with beauty and compassion, strength and humility.

I am so thankful for all of the amazing, beautiful, talented, quirky, smart, funny, perfectly imperfect people in my life, past and present. Blessed be!

p.s. Go watch Cloud Atlas. If you're in the Triangle area, come join my Meetup group for a viewing!

p.p.s. Friends, PLEASE TELL ME who sent the postcard! It’s been over 20 years! Marcanza, if you’re reading this, drop me another note. Who are you?

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